THE private health bosses set to profit from the Tory NHS shake-up are today unveiled as party donors.
One of the UK’s tabloid Paper investigation found the tycoons lined the consevative pockets with over £750,000. Shadow health secretary John Healey said: "They'll cash in big time."
And it will kill off the NHS.
THEIR cosy Tory/Labour links are likely to make most people feel ill. Now I know private health firms are set to cash in on ConDEmLab plans to rip apart the NHS have poured a fortune into the party.
The wealthy owners, who have made huge sums from the healthcare industry, have donated around £750,000 since David Cameron became leader.This comes as ministers unveiled the Reforms which everyone knows will set the NHS on an unavoidable path to privatisation.Oh and by the way its not the first time they have tried this! And it also proves that our past and present governments pledge to help maintain and sort outour NHSWas all twaddle and had no substance.
Here is Hedge fund boss John Nash is one of the major Conservative donors with very very close ties to the healthcare industry. He and wife Caroline gave £203,500 to the Conservative party over the past five years. The cash included £21,000 which was given directly to Health Secretary Andrew Lansley to bankroll his office before the Conservatives took power. And that was slammed by the LIB’s calling it a “staggering conflict of interest”.Ya Think !!!!
The City tycoon was chairman of Care UK, which makes most of its money from the NHS, when most of the donations were made. Mr Nash continued to work as a consultant to the firm, which provides walk-in centres, GP surgeries and other specialist services, after selling his majority stake to a private equity firm last year. He is also a founder of City firm Sovereign Capital, which runs a string of private healthcare firms. Fellow founder Ryan Robson is another major Tory donor who has given the party £252,429.45Nice work if you can get it.
His donations included £50,000 to be a member of the party’s “Leader’s Group”, a secretive cash-for-access club. The would-be MP, who tried but failed to get selected as the election candidate in Bracknell, is managing partner at Sovereign Capital.
The healthcare firms it is involved which include:
Choice and Christchurch Court( provide specialist and residential care and City & County Healthcare)
Complete Group, (cares for adults and children)
Eden Supported Housing
The National Fostering Agency
Select Living Options
TLC Group (Dolar Popat* has given the Conservatives £209,000)
Priory Group (Philip Scott, chief of the Priory Group, has donated £20,000 and most of its income comes from NHS or local council referrals.)
IC Technology (provides computer services to the NHS, has handed the Tories £70,000 over the past two years)
*Cameron made Mr Popat a peer shortly after entering No10 last May, and Lord Popat’s donations include a £25,000 gift registered a week after the Tories’ health reforms were unveiled
Cameron also got money from an up-market firm treating hair loss. The Trichological Clinic Limited, which operates out of Harrods, gave the Conservatives £10,000 last year.
Senior Tories who helped formulate the party’s health policy in Opposition have had links to private firms.
Shadow minister Stephen O’Brien’s office received three payments totalling £40,000 from Julian Schild. Mr Schild’s family made £184million in 2006 by selling hospital bed-makers Huntleigh Technology.
Mr O’Brien was moved to International Development after the election.
A second shadow health minister Mark Simmonds accepted a US trip to Boston worth £4,512 from private health provider BUPA. Mr Simmonds missed out on a ministerial job in the government.
The Conservative Party last night insisted private donations do not influence policy-making decisions.
So Unless you have, and can continue to afford, private health insurance, I think everyone should be scared at the moment.
Yes, there is a need to reform the NHS, but what is proposed is a massive restructuring and at a rate that leaves no room for spotting and correcting erors as they go. It is not a case of one-size fitting all. Some areas are ready to surge forward with a GP led system (is it Cumbria that has been in trialing this), but some areas are simply nowhere near ready for such a sudden and total change.It should be done slowly and carefully.
We are talking about people here, people with health problems; you cannot morally justify experimenting so drastically when it is those who are ill who are going to suffer if it goes wrong and it will go wrong!!.
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